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Aeres Tech Joins European education project


Technicians with a non-Dutch or a migration background who (still) don’t master the Dutch language, can start their education at the Expertise center refrigeration technology in their own language.

Aeres Tech Joins European education project

This is the result of Aeres Tech joining with the European cooperation REAL Alternatives 4Life. In this cooperation trainers, trade associations, and employers from several European countries are working together tightly to make their knowledge about working save with natural refrigerants accessible in as many languages as possible. Apart from several European languages, students can also follow the courses in Arabic and Turkish.

Students can sign in to Aeres Tech, after which they get access to the international blending learning program from REAL Alternatives in their own language. The program consists of nine modules with the possibility to finish it with an exam for certification.

REAL Alternatives bears the subtitle ‘blended learning for alternative refrigerants’. These alternative refrigerants are often the natural refrigerants like ammonia, CO2, hydrocarbons.
But also synthetic tools with a low GWP (Global Warming Potential) are covered by these alternatives. REAL Alternatives offers a training program, supported by a mix of interactive e-learning, printed training guide, and assessments used by the training centers. At the moment, the modules and the exam are offered in fourteen languages.

The international REAL Alternatives program is a perfect stepping stone for professionals with a migrant background who want to work in refrigeration technology. Besides, at Aeres Tech it’s possible to follow additional practice trainings, also as much as possible in the own language. The nine European modules are a good prior education to the common ACK-education of natural refrigerants which is already longer in Aeres Tech’s program.